Course curriculum

    1. Introduction of Smart Manufacturing 4.0

    2. 1.1 - A Brief History of Past Industrial Revolutions

    3. 1.2 - Industry 1.0: Power and Productivity

    4. 1.3 - Industry 2.0: Power and Process

    5. 1.4 - Industry 3.0: : Process Control, Automation and Digitisation

    6. 1.5 - Industry 4.0 Cyber-Physical System (CPS)

    7. Chapter 1 Quiz

    1. 2.1 - International Rush to Industry 4.0

    2. 2.2 - German Industrie 4.0

    3. 2.3 - Make in China 2025

    4. 2.4 - US Industrial Internet Initiative

    5. 2.5 - Japan Society 5.0

    6. Chapter 2 Quiz

    1. 3.1 - Industry 4.0 Framework

    2. 3.2 - Industry 4.0 Technology Pillars

    3. 3.3 - Rami 4.o Model

    4. 3.4 - Industry 4.0 and the Global Value Chain (GVC)

    5. 3.5 - The Smile Curve and the Outcome Economy

    6. Chapter 3 Quiz

    1. 4.1 - Smart Factory

    2. 4.2 - Smart Factory Design Principles

    3. 4.3 - Connectivity and Interoperability

    4. 4.4 - Connectivity Today

    5. 4.5 - 5G and Industry 4.0

    6. Chapter 4 Quiz

    1. 5.1 - Setting Up and Industry 4.0 Practice

    2. 5.2 - A Modest Plan

    3. 5.3 - Establish and Information (IT) and Operational Technology (OT) Infrastructure

    4. 5.4 - Assessing Industry 4.0 Readiness

    5. 5.5 - German Impuls Industry 4.0 Readiness Assessment

    6. 5.6 - UK Warwick University Readiness Assessment

    7. 5.7 - Singapore Smart Industry Readiness Index (SIRI)

    8. Chapter 5 Quiz

    1. More resources for you

    2. Before you go...

Understanding Manufacturing leveraging Industry 4.0

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